Thursday, January 6, 2011

We Have Lift Off!!!

Well, we have...drop down...most of the time.  I'm officially announcing Tatiana's move into the "big girl" world.  She now pees on the potty and with the exception of yesterday's excrement-palooza, she has done quite well with getting to the toilet.  You might remember my last post on this where I was in tears over it.  Don't remember?  HERE you go.

Now, I know you all are wondering what amazing trick I used to bring about this might change of heart in my opinionated daughter. tricks.  I just asked her about three days before Christmas, "Hey, freako who only does what she wants to, wanna pee on the potty?"  She seriously stared at me for like thirty seconds, shrugged her shoulders and then said, "Ok."  Wait, what?  I grabbed/dragged her to the toilet and I'll be damned, she tinkled.  I clapped and thought surely it was a fluke.  About an hour later I asked, "Hey head strong child who only pees on the potty to get out of something like Sacrament meeting, wanna pee on the potty again?"  Again, the stare, followed by, "Ok."  What the hell?

And there you have it.  We never looked back.  Santa brought TinkerBell unders but Tatiana would only put them on after we called them her "big girl choneys".  See, choneys is what we called her pull ups and apparently "panties" is too sissy and "unders" is what Aren wears, so yeah.  Anyways, we have success. 

Now I have to figure out how to pay for those damned ballet lessons she's been begging for for the past year. 


Higleys said...

Congrats! As for the ballet look for a teacher that might want to trade for some piano lessons.

Elizabeth said...

Yahoo! That's great! Congratulations to Tania for becoming a potty going member of society! Kudos to you too mom!

Serena said...

Bravo! Gwen is trying to be a big girl, but she's too good at ignoring that "funny feeling". Success in the mornings, she does both usually. Through the day and eve she will only go if it's her idea (and not distracted). Guess it doesn't help that she's not at home while we are at work during the day. Wish you guys weren't so far away- we could do some runs together, let the girls pee their choneys to learn to not like being wet, etc. It'll be fun to see ya in June, unless you thought you'd sneak in for the race and leave before anyone caught ya.

The Hatch's said...

THe City offers a ballet tap jazz combo for $20 a month. Cin;t beat it and the teacher is good with the kids. It's in the fun n stuff if you want to check it out.

Denise said...

Yay! I only have one in diapers now. It's been about a month now and it is heaven.

Anonymous said...

Woot! That's one sassy gal you've got there!