I might be right handed, but I find myself struggling with being a lefty. There I said it. Politically I am left of center, maybe not a full on dem, but I don't agree with some of the republican viewpoints which, in my world, has lumped me in the extreme left-winged government takeover one step away from socialist communist Nazi power. I'm struggling with finding my place in a predominately republican circle of friends where, when some find out how I feel about certain things, question my testimony, my temple worthiness, my standing in the church. Is that really fair? Can't I sit at the table in my own spot with my own scissors and still make a project to be proud of? So what if I have to tweak my arm just a little bit when I write so I don't smudge stuff. Isn't my writing just as good and just as valid as another person's?
For some people, I'm finding out, it's not. And that's ok. Just remember when I sit next to you that I'll probably be bumping your elbow just as much as you're bumping mine but we can live with it...promise.
I am a lefty. I have never had an issue with it even though others have, I even have a learning disability that only lefty's have. I love your views and thoughts and ideas because you are my friend and I love you. you are a great person with an amazing outlook on life, the Gospel. and I am blessed to call you my friend and if anyone feels the need to judge you for your political views. than this is what I have to say to them
To HELL with them!!!
If I might add a bit... as a lefty myself (in both respects, but I'm talking about actual hands right now), I think I'm actually pretty good at avoiding bumping elbows with righties who sit to my left. It's something I've had to deal with my entire life, and it's very uncomfortable, but I can usually keep my elbow down. It's actually the righties who aren't used to it that end up elbowing ME.
I think you can read into that as much as you want, but it's not so much about who is "left" or "right" but who is in the majority and who isn't.
If you're part of a pretty solid majority, it becomes really easy to forget that the minority even exists. And then when you bump up against them, it's very easy to blame them just for being "that way" or "too sensitive."
Oh, and GREAT PIC!
I am a lefty on some issues as well, so we could share a table and never bump elbows. :) I usually choose to keep my opinions to myself around all those righties since they just want to bash and get angry. Now is that very Christlike?
You have to check this out and vote on the site too, please. It makes me GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!
MB, I think you're great! I know how you feel too. I'm a "lefty" when it comes to some political views but I tend to keep my opinions to myself most of the time. I don't like to argue with people either. Some things, however, I can't let alone but that's life. Rick made a good point when he commented on majorities and minorities. I think we can all get along even though we have different viewpoints.
as we talked about the other night, they know have scissors that both rightys and leftys can use. if they could do it with scissors, can't we come together on our political views. I mean, we're all using the scissors, we're just cutting different things and that's okay
Raising my left hand... add me to the lefty list. Great post, and great insight. I'm sorry you are feeling a bit out of the "mainstream." Hold your ground and be prou of it.
eh... that'd be prouD!
I a lefty too - I think...
Join the crowd.
I tend to be ambidextrous. :-/
I was gonna say ambedexterious too but can't spell it and too lazy to copy velda
I'm a lefty...I wouldn't wish it on my kids. My hands hurt after using scissors. Every I see one of my kids leaning toward the left hand, I panic.
As to your political views...say it loud, say it proud, honey!
I think everyone should vote their conscience. That IS the view of the church.
I am a political lefty and now live in the UK. Having read a bit about the political upheaval happening over there I would say you could just remind people who are judging you that there are plenty of righteous people all over the world and a ton even in countries like England that many consider a socialist (gasp) country.
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