My sister Emma is a lefty...ya know...she writes with her left hand. I remember growing up and hearing her complain about how horrible it was that nothing ever was made for her...scissors were always for right handed people, she smudged all her handwriting, she always had to sit at a certain spot at the table. I never really thought anything of it until I had Aren and he started complaining about the same problems. Half the reason he's in occupational therapy is because his joints are all jacked up and the other half is because he's trying to figure out how to find his lefty place in a righty world.
I might be right handed, but I find myself struggling with being a lefty. There I said it. Politically I am left of center, maybe not a full on dem, but I don't agree with some of the republican viewpoints which, in my world, has lumped me in the extreme left-winged government takeover one step away from socialist communist Nazi power. I'm struggling with finding my place in a predominately republican circle of friends where, when some find out how I feel about certain things, question my testimony, my temple worthiness, my standing in the church. Is that really fair? Can't I sit at the table in my own spot with my own scissors and still make a project to be proud of? So what if I have to tweak my arm just a little bit when I write so I don't smudge stuff. Isn't my writing just as good and just as valid as another person's?
For some people, I'm finding out, it's not. And that's ok. Just remember when I sit next to you that I'll probably be bumping your elbow just as much as you're bumping mine but we can live with it...promise.