Monday, April 25, 2011

Lunch Date

Aren was home from school today for Easter break and since the rest of the weekend consisted of cleaning up in the front and back yard, I decided to take the kids to McDonald's for cheap food and a date with daddy.  Somehow chicken nuggets always taste better when you're hanging out with dad and watching ants work super hard.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Meet new best friend.  Heel spurs SUCK!  This has been the worst three weeks, well, not of my life, but it's pretty much been awful.  I've run a total of three miles in the past three weeks and each run brought on pain in my foot that refused to go away without one week non-physical activity and copious amounts of Aleve.  I went to my podiatrist today and she did an ultrasound of my heel to make sure that cortisone shots were necessary.  She measured my inflammation, not sure what the measuring tool was, but she said a 2 was pretty normal, and she only did shots if the inflammation was at least a 4.  What was mine?

8.2.  That's right, more than double what her normal standard is.  Yikes!  Out came the needle and in it went and I yelled, "Mother Effer!"  Really, mother effer.  Seriously.  I don't drop f-bombs.  It hurt like a mofo.  See?  No f word.  So far it's done exactly what the doctor said it would.  A little tingling and burning and getting worse before it's getting better.  Eight hours later and I'm already walking better than I have in weeks.  I can't wait to see what the morning brings and she said I can be running by Monday.  Glory be.  This chubby girl will be running again.  Life is good.
 **Sorry to those of you who follow my "Chubby Gurl" blog.  I've posted this exact same thing over there.  I figured this deserved two posts ;)

Friday, April 8, 2011


This morning as Rick walked out the door to go to work he noticed a package on the carport with my name on it.  He brought it in and this lil' gem was inside.  I KNOW, RIGHT!  Who doesn't want a wiggly hula girl on the dashboard of their car.  Idiots, that's who.  My car looks amazing and I don't even know who to thank because there was no return address or card or anything.

To the unknown hula giver, I thank you.  My car thanks you.  Today is a great day.