Friday, May 22, 2009

Who's Bright Idea Was This?

Seriously, I have a lot of bones to pick with Heavenly Father when I finally get the chance to meet Him and my latest is this...who decided that it would be a great idea to create a viral infection that is only contagious when there are no signs of having the illness and once a huge rash shows up from head to toe you are no longer a medical threat. Really?

And what kind of name is Fifth Disease anyway. It should be called fugly little rash.


Elizabeth said...

lol, I swear, the funniest, weirdest things happen to you and your family. Also, I never heard the word, "fugly" till I went to Vancouver, WA, in March. Who thinks up this stuff? I hope Tania is feeling ok and that the rash isn't as bad feeling as it looks.

Bethany said...

Did a doctor actually admitt to you that it was fifths because my doctor wouldn't tell me if it was. Morgan and I had it a couple weeks ago. If your not a kid your joints swell and ache as well as having and alien skin rash and it's really not fun.

MaryBeth said...

No, but the little girl I watch had it and it was confirmed by a doctor. I had it as well because I woke up one morning and my wedding ring was practically cutting off my circulation on my finger and I was itching like crazy. It was bad news I tell you. Luckily Tania isn't itchy.

Higleys said...

At least you aren't pregnant. It's really bad for a baby especially in the first trimester. My friend got it and the baby had to do prenatal transfusions.

Brossettelewis said...

aww man! Poor little Tania.

Owner said...

So that's what was going on! I never would have guessed Fifth's. Good thing I'm not knocked up in case you infected me with our ice cream ways. Heheheheh...

Lucky Mama said...

I got that as an adult it is awful! Did you know it is also called slap face disease; I like that name better cause when I got it I wanted to slap the person who gave it to me in the face. ;)

Higleys said...

guess what? Karena McGraw (Patrick McGraw's wife just posted a Fifth's post about her boy. They are in Roanoke VA, What are the odds.

couplabz said...

Isn't it an annoying virus? My son got it this weekend, the rash appeared Sunday while at church. I'd never heard of Fifths before but I googled it and it is an odd virus. Who knows how many people he shared this with because we had NO clue what was going on. Luckily no one else in the family got it and apparently once you get it you can't get it again. Yeah!

Emilie and Branden said...

what the hell.

Anonymous said...

My oldest 2 never got those crazy ones, but Adam has gotten slap cheeks, and a HORRIBLE case of Hand, Foot and Mouth. The other kids caught that one too, but not nearly as bad. Of course Adam is my boy who is rarely sick, so with him everything is a "man cold".