Ok, I'm a sap. Tears are pouring down my cheeks as I write this post. This week my mom and Bill are signing papers and officially selling the house on Shaw Avenue. This is no ordinary house. This is the house my family lived in for almost 35 years. This is the house where we rode mattresses down the stairs, jumped on the trampoline, played "adventure" in the backyard. This is the house where wedding open houses took place, grandchildren came to live, where cars literally blew up in the driveway. This is the house where friends snuck into the basement while parents slept upstairs, where when Emma was a little kid and told everyone that mom said she was pretty after putting on lipstick and Don told her she was still ugly and she collapsed on the ground in tears. This is the house that has been toilet papered so many times neighbors could only imagine the type of family that lived there.
Deer on Shaw Avenue |
Fall on Shaw Avenue |
Christmas on Shaw Avenue |
New Year's Puzzles on Shaw Avenue |
Spring on Shaw Avenue |
Winter on Shaw Avenue |
I love Maryland. I love everything about it, and having mom and Bill leave to move out west is so exciting and painful at the same time. I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to live there, to grow there. I will miss it and even though my bedroom belongs to someone else, I will always call 218 Shaw Avenue home.