Monday, January 12, 2009

Word Verification

This post is totally juvenile, but how can I not post it? Today while bouncing around and posting on people's blogs I had to type something that made me laugh out loud for the word verification. What was it you ask?


Yes, I read it as fish f u. I'm still cracking up over this. Sorry if this offends, but come on, hilarious, right? Anybody else have any good ones?


Rebecca said...

I laugh at the word verifications a lot too. I keep meaning have a blog entry be "Post the word verification".

Marissa said...

Word verification usually just annoys me as another dumb step to post on a blog. But my favorite one I got on your blog awhile back.... 'focker'. LOL

Brossettelewis said...

I had to type pecker was on a baby boy comment too. {giggling}

amy germer said...

This is no lies-awhile back on your blog I had to type Bulgar (no LIE) and I was freaking out I even showed mu husband.

My Name's Sarah said...

I don't get it.

pixiestylist said...

mine says budies. not as funny as yours. but cooler than those ones that don't say ANYTHING :)