Friday, February 13, 2009

Icky Words

So, my last post got me thinking about disgusting words that should never be used unless you're trying to creep someone out. Words like lover, penetration, and my latest gross word - moist...thanks to Marissa and Sarah for putting that on my list. Ew.

So now I'm curious as to what words drive you crazy? Anything that makes you cringe every time you hear it? Come on, I know you have some.


Rachel Sue said...

I ran across your blog on mormon mommies and I've got one for you: crotch.

MaryBeth said...

LOL! Yeah, that's a bad one.

Sarah said...

Hi. My name is Sarah. I found you through Grosgrain or Pioneer Woman or Cakewrecks or Bakerella or some other entertaining blog I read regularly.

I'd like to say that I admire your story and the obvious love you have for your family. You are blessed through those heartaches and you already know that.

That having been said, I'd like to add the word ooey to your list of gross words. :)

Lucky Mama said...

I hate moist add towelette and it is really gross. Who decided to use the two together "moist towlette" NASTY!!!

Emilie and Branden said...


Elizabeth said...

Can't think of any worse than the examples you provided.

amelia said...
