Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I loved dressing up for Halloween when I was a kid...trying to figure out how to make a costume out of what I had hanging around.  I remember the store bought costumes and the only kids that wore them were the "uncool" kids.  Now it's totally the opposite.  One year Aren dressed up as a ninja - a costume he put together himself - and I heard a friend of his at school say, "Oh, could you not afford a costume from the store this year?"  What the heck?!

It is now my goal to make cool costumes out of stuff I have around the house.  If something needs to be purchased, fine, but I want them to be able to wear it later and not have it look like a costume.  So, without further ado, I present to you my two little rock stars...


Brossettelewis said...

I am in the make versus buy camp too. What fun is it to buy it off the shelf when you can think about it for days (or months) and come up with awesome ideas.

Karen said...

Those are awesome! If we do buy costumes or costume pieces we make sure it is something that will get a lot of use in the dress up box later!

Mom said...

Totally wonderful. Remember the year James went as a gift? You had to hold his treat bag because he couldn't get his armes around the box.